Stay on time for WCS

Staying on time in West Coast Swing! Baby steps to getting really good! Staying on time in West Coast Swing is something that new dancers struggle with. Hopefully I can provide a couple tips to help you make the leap from ‘thinking through your dance’ into a state of...
Don’t be a baby

Don’t be a baby

How to look your best while performing your hardest moves! This might be a little philosophical but I think it a great subject and a great lesson to pass on. While searching for a topic for this column a friend posed this. “How can I look cool and relaxed while...
Teaching vs. Coaching Dance

Teaching vs. Coaching Dance

I recently had a friend ask me to write a blog post about the difference between teaching dance vs. coaching dance. I’ve been thinking about it over the past couple weeks and I actually think are 3 phases of being a dance teacher. The teacher, the mentor and...
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